Collaborative Research Contract (共同研究契約)
2025年04月-2028年3月: 宇宙航空研究開発機構 (JAXA)
2023年06月-2025年3月: 鉄道総合技術研究所
2022年04月-2025年3月: 宇宙航空研究開発機構 (JAXA)
2021年04月-2029年3月: 気象庁・気象研究所・気象観測研究部(岡本幸三・石田春磨)
2019年11月-2025年3月: 理化学研究所・計算科学研究センター・データ同化研究チーム(PI: 三好建正)
Ongoing Projects (as Lead PI)
Period | PI | Types of Programs | Title | Project Number /Grant Number |
2025/04–2028/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | JAXA JAXA 4th Research Announcement | Development of Data-driven Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation through Data Assimilation and Deep Learning | ER4GPF019 |
2024/04–2027/03 | Daiya Shiojiri | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists | Development and Popularization of a General-Purpose Land Data Assimilation System: Addressing the Bottleneck of Insufficient Observations in Hydrology | 24K17351 |
2023/04–2026/03 | Atsushi Okazaki | JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas Foundation (A) (Publicly Offered Research) | Ultra-high spatiotemporal resolution climate reconstruction: Toward development of historical meteorology | 24H00920 |
2023/12–2027/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | JST MOONSHOT Research & Development Program (Core) | Artificial generation of upstream maritime heavy rains to govern intense-rain-induced disasters over land | PM-Kotsuki: JPMJMS2389 PI-Okazaki: JPMJMS2389-4-1 PI-Kotsuki: JPMJMS2389-4-2 |
2023/06–2025/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | RTRI Collaborative Research | Development of Evaluation Methods for the Spatial Representativeness of Ground Weather Observations | - |
2023/04–2026/03 | Ryo Kanako | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists | Development of a Smartphone Rain Gauge - for Future Global Precipitation Observation Network - | 23K13407 |
2023/04–2025/03 | Atsushi Okazaki | MLIT 河川砂防技術研究開発 | Basin-scale impact-based risk assessment of the climate change | - |
2022/06–2025/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) | Exploring Cost-effective Observation Placements Using The Data-driven Sparse Sensor Placement | 22K18821 |
2022/04–2028/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | Chiba University International Advanced Academic Research Support Program (Top Leader) | Exploring Frontiers in Global Environment and Disaster Predictions Through Integration of Big Satellite Observations and Data Science | - |
2022/04–2025/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | JAXA JAXA Third Research Announcement | Advancing GSMaP Precipitation by Land Data Assimilation and Data Science | ER3GPF016 |
2022/04–2025/03 | Atsushi Okazaki | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists | Development of Stable Water Isotopes Dataset for Atmospheric Science by Fusing Model Simulations and Observations | 22K14095 |
2022/01–2024/12 | Daiya Shiojiri | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows Foundation | Runoff generation process by terrestrial water circulation model combined with assimilation of hydrological observation data | 22KJ0457 |
2021/04–2025/03 | Shunji Kotsuki | JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation (A) | Exploring Real-time Rainfall and Flood Predictions in Fugaku Era with the State-of-the-art Data Science | 21H04571 |
Ongoing Projects (Kotsuki: as Co-PI)
Period | PI | Types of Programs | Title | Project Number /Grant Number |
2022/06–2025/03 | K. Ichii (Chiba U.) | JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) | TBD | 22K19842 |
2022/04–2027/03 | K. Ichii (Chiba U.) | JSPS Core-to-Core Program | GEOLAND-NET (GEOstationary-satellite LAND monitoring NETwork) | JPJSCCA20220008 |
2021/07–2026/03 | T. Oki (U. of Tokyo) | JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Foundation (S) | TBD | 21H05002 |
Other Research Projects (Kotsuki)
Period | PI | Types of Programs | Title | Project Number /Grant Number |
2023/04–2026/03 | T. Miyoshi (RIKEN) | RIKEN-MOST Collaborative Research | Comprehensive earthquake forecast model based on multi-geophysical data assimilation | - |
2022/04–2027/03 | N. Mori (Kyoto U.) | MEXT Advanced studies of climate change projection | TBD | - |
2022/04–2025/03 | T. Miyoshi (RIKEN) | JAXA JAXA Third Research Announcement (RA3) | Advances and applications of satellite data assimilation of clouds, precipitation, and the ocean | - |
2021/07–2025/03 | H. Tsukada (Chubu U.) | JST JST-Mirai Program | TBD | - |
2020/08–2026/03 | K. Tanaka (Kyoto U.) | JICA-JST SATREPS | Development of Innovative Climate Resilient Technologies for Monitoring and Controlling of Water Use Efficiency and Impact of Salinization on Crop Productivity and Livelihood in Aral Sea Region (JICA Project Period: 2022.01-2026.12) | JPMJSA2001 |
Ongoing Universities Projects
期間 | 研究代表者 | 研究種目 | 課題名 | 課題番号 領域番号 |
- | AORI, ISEE, CEReS, CAOS | - | - |
Finished Projects (as Lead PI)
Finished Projects (Kotsuki: as Co-PI)
Period | PI | Types of Programs | Title | Project Number /Grant Number |
2021/04–2024/03 | K. Ichii (Chiba U.) | Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, [Strategic Research] | TBD | JPMEERF21S20807 |
2021/04–2024/03 | Y. Igarashi (Fukushima U.) | Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of the Environment, [Young Research] | Prediction System for Radionuclides Redistribution due to Wild Fire in Contaminated Regions | JPMEERF20211R03 (1RF-2103) |
2020/04–2023/03 | M. Satoh (U. of Tokyo) | Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku | Large Ensemble Atmospheric and Environmental Prediction for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation | - |
2020/04–2023/03 | N. Tsumura (Chiba U.) | Global Prominent Research of Chiba University | Creation of Material Appearance and Affective Imaging | - |
2020/04–2022/03 | S. Watanabe (U. of Tokyo) | 令和2年度河川砂防技術研究開発公募 | TBD | - |
2019/04–2022/03 | T. Miyoshi (RIKEN) | JAXA PMM | Enhancing Precipitation Prediction Algorithm by Data Assimilation of GPM Observations | - |