2022年9月より小槻研究室に、特任研究員としてPascal Oettliさんが着任されました。 以下、ご本人からの自己紹介です。
My name is Pascal Oettli and I have joined the Kotsuki Lab of the Center for Environment Remote Sensing (CEReS) on September 1st of this year. I am a geographer and I worked in the fields of climate variability and teleconnections since 2009. In 2010, I arrived in Japan to join the Yamagata/Tozuka lab at the University of Tokyo, to work for an international joint research between Japan and South-Africa. In 2013, I joined the Application Lab at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). During these years, I developed a great interest for statistical modelling, and more recently for machine learning and deep learning techniques applied to earth science. I am very grateful to Prof. Kotsuki for welcoming me.